
The EPEQ® Idle Management System (EPEQ® IM) by Vanair® is flexible in its design and can be installed in virtually any vehicle. You can select the accessories that are ideal for your fleet and goals. For example, we can equip your vehicles with the EPEQ® IM Vehicle Utilization Tracker to learn your fleet’s true idling activity and energy needs. This investigative tool can monitor every operator’s idling behavior and each vehicle’s energy consumption across your entire fleet. With this information, you can customize the EPEQ® IM System to achieve your fleet’s specific objectives and address your energy needs.

No matter the sector, no matter the vehicle, EPEQ® IM can adapt to your fleet, reduce your costs, and ensure your drivers/operators have access to the same functions and features they use when their vehicle’s engine is running. If your vehicles have a key switch and CAN network, we can adapt EPEQ® IM to work for them.

Utility fleets often idle while preparing for the work to be done and powering loads such as lighting and power tools.

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Utility and
Public Works

Due to the nature of construction and repair work, work trucks can idle between 50-70% of their lifespan.

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Work Trucks

You can’t predict the nature of an emergency situation, but GRIP allows you to control your fleet’s idling time at the scene.

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Policing and security agencies are always under pressure to reduce costs.

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Policing and

Mining is all about the cost of production. If a vehicle is idling, it is burning up profits both in fuel and maintenance costs.

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Mining and

Fuel costs and logistics are not the only challenges faced by military and defense vehicles.

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Military and

Ground support vehicles at airports can spend hours idling due to delays, maintenance and repairs, and loading/unloading.

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Airport and

If you are responsible for meeting corporate investments, operations, and sustainability targets.

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Port Authority and Container Terminals

Learn why your fleet’s
anti-idling policy isn’t working… and why EPEQ® Idle Management does.

EPEQ® Idle Management (EPEQ® IM) is a patented vehicle control system that autonomously manages fleet idling, energy consumption, and climate-control so your operators can do their job safely and effectively.

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