Mining and Metals
Mining is all about the cost of production. If a vehicle is idling, it is burning up profits both in fuel and maintenance costs. Furthermore, mining machinery is not only expensive and consumes large volumes of fuel, but it also releases some of the heaviest concentrations of carbon emission in comparison with other fleets.
New machinery with emission control systems require maintenance when particulates (caused by low engine temperatures) plug systems and controls. EPEQ® Idle Management (EPEQ® IM) shuts down machinery and monitors batteries, engine temperatures, and hydraulic temperature to keep the machine work-ready.
EPEQ® IM is the only anti-idling technology that is customizable, cost effective, adaptable to vehicle and battery type, and proven to reduce your operating costs and carbon footprint.
EPEQ® IM in Action
We’ve helped thousands of fleets meet their reduction goals. With EPEQ® IM installed, engine operation at idle is cut between 30-70%, which reduces fuel costs, harmful CO2 emissions, and vehicle maintenance and downtime. The system has even been proven to extend vehicle lifespan.
EPEQ® IM removes hours from your equipment, which in turn reduces fuel, maintenance costs and emissions.
With new DPF systems installed on machinery, maintenance cost can be significant. DPF systems capture unburnt particles from the engine that intensify when engine temperatures are low (e.g., when the machinery is in idle). EPEQ® IM reduces idling and time, which reduces the amount of unburnt particles and maintenance costs.
Safety Above All
EPEQ® IM allows mining machinery to retain vital work functions when the system is in monitoring mode. That means your crew can get the job done efficiently and safely. The system will never disable safety and security features and can be customized for each type of machinery in your fleet. It will also drastically reduce emissions and contribute to your climate change efforts.
EPEQ® IM allows you to customize parameters and thresholds based on the role of each machine/vehicle, meaning operators never have to turn the system on or off, or set controls—everything is automatic.
Savings in Full
While most companies initially install EPEQ® IM into their fleet to eliminate unnecessary idling and the environmental damage and costs associated with it, they quickly learn the full benefit of the system.
- Extending vehicle life by reducing unnecessary wear and tear
- Reduced maintenance costs due to decreased wear and tear
- Vehicle spending less time in the shop and more time in use
- Increased operator safety, security, and vehicle function
- For vehicles with DPF systems, EPEQ® IM significantly reduces the maintenance costs and failures
- Reduces fuel consumption and fewer trips to refuel the machine
- Reduces public complaints and improves public perception
- Real-time idling and energy information on the EPEQ® IM Idle Tracker Dashboard
Learn why your fleet’s
anti-idling policy isn’t working… and why EPEQ® Idle Management does.
EPEQ® Idle Management (EPEQ® IM) is a patented vehicle control system that autonomously manages fleet idling, energy consumption, and climate-control so your operators can do their job safely and effectively.